Discover, learn, practice, improve, pass it on.

BLUEGRASS EN MORVAN May 23 - 25 2025 : jams, workshops, concert, open mic... Save the date! Registration opens Sunday January 19.


We at Jam will never use your information for anything else, nor sell it to anyone.

This website is operated by Jam Hall, a non profit organization, adress : Sommée, 58140 Lormes - FRANCE

President : Philippe Boutet
Secretary and treasurer : Ti' Pierre.

It is hosted by Hebergement Web Canada, 1030 Beaubien Est #103, Montréal, Quebec H2S 1T4 Canada.

Webmaster and site editor : Ti' Pierre, with a graphic idea by Philippe Boutet.

Thanks to Nathalie Tournier for pictures, and Celia Chalfoun for checking the translations.