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The story takes the audience to the Appalachian mountains at the beginning of the 20th century, and follows a female musicologist who will later decide to record the local traditional repertoire.
Traditional music is really well presented in the movie. Iris Dement, Taj Mahal, Emmy Rossum and Hazel Dickens are part of the cast. Well, these are already two good reasonsto read more.
The audience is quickly immersed in Old Time music. The movie shows a real and obvious respect for this music, those who kept it alive long before it reached us, and for the hard lives they had, which were much harder than the ones with have today.
Within the span of one hour and forty five minutes, one can hear beautiful pieces of Old Time music and songs, with real musicians on screen, something that does not always happen in movies.
The tunes :
And a superb "Barbara Allen" by Emmylou Harris during the credits.
Video : Iris Dement sings Prety Saro.
More on Iris Dement (Wikipedia).
Although one may assume that this story recounts real events, it is a work of fiction. But it brings music and life together in such a natural way that it helps us understand how hard life could be in these mountains and times, and how songs and music could be part of life in so many ways, in loneliness or in a community alike.
Video : Emmy Rossum sings snipets of Mattie Groves and Come All You Fair and Tender Ladies.
Maggie Greenwald is the writer and maker of Songcatcher. The movie first appeared on screen in 2000, but the media coverage in France was lacking. But it won the Public Award at the Deauville Festival.
Sheila Kay-Adams is credited three times in the movie : as banjo player during the barn dance, vocal coach for the crew and consultant for traditional baladery..
Article rédigé par Ti' Pierre
Many thanks to Célia Chalfoun for checking the translation and for the corrections.
Vous aimez le Bluegrass, l'Old Time, l'Americana.
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